Saturday 4 April 2015

Self discipline,willpower and motivation-1

Self Discipline

Every morning I have a freezing cold shower,why because part of my mind says don't do it, it's just stupid and that same part of my mind gives lots of different reason not to do it.Each morning i fight that inner voice and discipline it to accept that i am taking of freezing cold shower.
Self discipline is a skill and ones you get to grips with it.It can alter your life.
What is it?
Self discipline is the training of your mind to control perceived harmful,urges and to continue to control these urges until a satisfactory resolution has been sought.
Self discipline occurs in every part of your life right how you might not have recognized it but it does when you get out of bed in the morning to go to work that is self discipline.When you brush your teeth every morning,that is self discipline although you might not have recognized it as such we use this skill every day in our lives.
Imagine if you harnessed this power to change different aspects of your life there are many areas of your life.It could benefit:in fact it could benefit every area of your life.If you want to give up smoking,no matter what programs are available to do so,It ultimately comes down to self discipline if you want to lose weight,yes it's great that there are groups of people who are doing the same as they can be a good motivator but again it comes down to self discipline.

The practice of self discipline.

Whilst it's hard to control your thoughts and actions as a child.It should be easier for an adult,you would think however this is not necessarily the case if you've not been taught self discipline as a child.How are you expected to self discipline yourself as an adult?
The truth is self discipline comes automatically for some of us as our responsibilities becomes greater.For example when we get a job,we have to get up at a set time,we have to work a set number of hours,we have to conform to the companies rules and procedures,that's all self discipline.Usually the things we learn to practice self discipline in are the things we are rewarded with e.g. Our job, going to the gym, saving money,making love.Depending on the person some of these rewards will be bigger and have more meaning than some of the others.
What good would self discipline in your life?
What if you could practice self discipline in everything you do?How would your life change?Think of these questions for a moment.
Some of the areas in your life could change might be;
1. Your weight.
2. Your fitness.
3.The cleanliness of your house.
4.The amount of time spent watching TV.
5.Watching what you eat.
6.Fasting for one day per week.
7.Get your finances sorted out.
8.Organise your life.
9.Getting up early to be thankful of all things you have.
The list could go on and on and I am sure you could add a few as well,let me know what you would add.
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