Wednesday 8 April 2015

10 Ways to stay healthy

If you want more out of life, you need to be ready to commit more and invest more into staying fit and eating right.It has called by many names, defined in so many ways and presented in so many forms but all health and fitness programs boils down to these two DIET and EXERCISE. There is no other way to go about it. If you want lasting results make health and fitness as integral part of your lifestyle, as it should be read on find out you can live,breath, eat, move and think healthy.

* Stay Hydrated.

This one of the most important advices you can ever get, when it comes to staying healthy and fit, drinking water every chance you get, or at least every couple of hours, water help insure your body systems will keep running smoothly and it also place a vital role in weight loss. So don't forget to drink up water.

* Never Skip Breakfast.

You have probably heard it over and over how breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it really is a let of people seems to think skipping breakfast will help them loss weight faster, people who skip this meal actually have increased risks of gaining weight.

*Get enough sleep.

with the fast-paced lifestyle and grueling schedules, sleep is often taken for granted. An average person needs to have seven to eight hours of sleep every night, if you want to maintain a healthy weight, sleep should be given equal importance as it is the only time the body can heal and repair itself, lack of sleep also impairs brain function so make sure you get enough sleep.

*Enjoy mind and body exercise.

Consider taking Yoga, these exercises do not only stretch your muscles as well as strengthen the bones and joint, it can also help you relax mentally.Mind and body exercises are great way to wind down after along and grueling day of work. It can help ease anxiety and pain as well as speed up recovery time.

*Stay Motivated.

It can be difficult to stay on track to a health and fitness program.If you are no longer motivated to make smarter choices and right decision every single day.

*Push yourself.

You have probably heard advice telling you not to be hard on your self.there is a huge difference between casting yourself and adhering to self discipline. Push your self in a positive way but don't allow self imposed pressure overwhelm you instead of motivate you.

*Incorporate physical activities in your daily life.

Maruimg every chance you get to move your body and work out. You dont really need to go the gym to burn ,calories there are so many ways you can pump up your metabolism by making simple changes ,such as taking the stairs n of the lift,perform pushups during commercial breaks. Do everything you can to stay active all throughout the day.

* Maintain at least one hobby.

Find an activity that you are passionate about that you probably won't mind doing for hours, may it be photography or spending hours in a book store. Pursue things that bring the greatest joy.

*Avoid negative people and situations.

Too much emotional stress can wreak naucin your well being. This does not mean you should avoid confrontations altogether, but learn to draw the lines. There is no use being around people who belittle you and undermine your dreams and goals.

* Don't confuse thirst with hunger.

The human body has difficulty differentiating thirst from hunger. So when you are starting to feel hunger, avoid indulging in food right away and instead drink a glass of water and check if you are still hungry.


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