Monday 6 April 2015

Self discipline, willpower and motivation-3


Motivation plays a huge part in the exercising of self discipline and willpower.We have to have some kind of motivation to do everything we do in life.You wouldn't be reading this article just now if you didn't think you weren't going to get something from reading it. We all need motivation in our lives however, depending on the size of the reward, we may not always feel motivated.
The way to gaining more motivation is to make the rewards bigger. So, make the rewards bigger and you can have all the motivation you need.
Motivation is a huge subject but I will not discuss it at length here.I just wanted to point out that motivation plays a big role when we come to exercise out self discipline and our willpower.

Pulling it all together

Okay, you've learned all about self discipline, willpower and motivation what can you do to put it all together and use it in your day to day lives? First of all you need to recognize where it will be useful to exercise your self discipline and willpower. I am sure you can think of areas in your life already where you will be able to use them.
Write them down, a quick list.You might have already done this.
Once you've got a list, small or big.It doesn't matter.Pick two from your list and start to practice self discipline and willpower.
A word of warning here. I would advise you not to go all out and try your self discipline on everything. I would start with a couple of things at first. Your willpower and self discipline is like a muscle which needs to be built up gradually.

Some motivational tips

* Be willing to leave your comfort zone.The greatest barrier to achieving your potential is your comfort zone.
* Don't indulge in self limiting thinking.Think empowering, expansive thoughts.
* Choose to be happy, happy people are easily motivated. Happiness is your birthright so don't settle for anything else.
* Spend at least one hour a day in self-development.
* Live fully in the present moment when you live in the past or the future you aren't able to make things happen in the present.
* The real tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer, but rather in how much we miss, so don't miss a thing.
* Commit yourself to joy. "joy is the serious business of heaven.
* Never let in negative thoughts get rid of them under any circumstances. Don't forget that thoughts are material and of you keep thinking of evil, if you visualize it brightly and vividly, it can happen to you.

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