Sunday 5 April 2015

Self discipline, willpower and motivation-2


Will is the initial force needed for you to take action.Willpower and self discipline go hand in hand, you need the willpower to start whatever it is you want to do and you need the self discipline to carry on where the willpower left off and this will go round in circles.For a specific task you might only need to engage your willpower once and self discipline will carry you through to your goal.On the other hand you might have to engage your willpower a hundred times before your goal has been reached.For example every morning i have cold shower it takes willpower to turn that dial all the way down to 0 for a freezing cold temperature,i used to do it gradually but now i just yank it right down to 0 when i have finished washing.My willpower is acquiscing a bit now and it is getting easier to do it but it still takes willpower and then the self discipline to stay under.Why do I do it? Because i can, i am proving to my self. I control my mind and i believe there are benefits to be had from taking a cold shower.
There are certain steps needed to kick your willpower into action.
*An outcome (What is it you want to do?)
*A plan (How are you going to do it ?)
*Action (Get off your arise and do it.)
*Let self discipline take over and repeat steps 1-3 if necessary.
Start exercising your will power regularly to keep it active and healthy.Here are a few exercises to keep your willpower active and fit.
* Read for half an hour every day.
* Get up half an hour earlier than usual for 21 days.
* Take a cold shower every morning for 21 days.
* Work on getting Rid of bad habits.
* Go in for sports, sport disciplines and develops your willpower perfectly.

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