Friday 3 April 2015

Dealing With Loneliness

If you are feeling lonely as you are reading this you are not alone!It doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, husband or wife no matter how close you are with them there are parts of you that they just don't understand!The pain doesn't fade after confiding with your best friend,your group of buddies, no body seems to understand you yet you want them to feel your pain.

All Alone

Everyone in the world has felt this emotion one time or another specially in these times rapid technological growth the feeling of loneliness is rapidly increasing.Firstly we must clarify what loneliness means.
Loneliness is an emotional state this is a state where people experience a disconnection from people around them as well as a deep feeling of emptiness which renders there present company around them meaningless that person could be in a big crowder by him or herself,married or single, young or old.They basically find it very hard to connect with others and experiences emanicipation from meaningful relationships.
This is not to be confused with being alone.Being along doesn't equate to being lonely because sometimes it is good for a person to be alone and at that time it could be very refreshing as the person has the opportunity to refresh recuperate and rediscover part of our lives.
What are the common symptoms of being alone.If you are reading this post I bet you might be feeling one of these symptoms.
1.You think your problems are so unique that others people do not understand
2.As a result,you feel that other people in the world has friends and you don't.
3.You feel extremely self concious in everything you do.
4.You feel that when you do something wrong you get extremely embarrassed.
5.When you are in a crowd you feel drowned by their voices.
6.You feel disconnected with the crowd even though you are with them.
7.Feeling shy and scared of others.
8.Experiencing low self-esteem.
9.Feeling angry,defensive and critical at everything even if it is not directed at you.
10.Afraid of strangers and refuse to talk to engage in a healthy conversation.
11.Being convinced there is something wrong with you.
12.Feeling anxious and sad believing no one know how miserable/isolated you feel.
13.Refusing to accept change and don't went to try anything new.
14.Feeling as though nothing else matters are contemplating suicide.
Practical steps to overcome loneliness there are a number of ways to begin dealing with loneliness that involve the need to develop friendship,doing things for your self or learning to feel better about yourself in general.
1,Constantly remind yourself that the feeling of loneliness is temporary and you will get over it in time.
1.Make an effort to talk to someone new.I know it is hard,but you must develop momentum and the first step is usually the hardest but most necessary.
2.Put yourself in new situations where you will meet people engage in activities in which you have genuine interest.Meet with people of similar interest.
3.Stop listening to lonely songs.
4.Open yourself to others first don't expect people to share their problems with a closed person.
5.Don't just seek romantic relationships.Platnic or even casual buddies can be extremely satisfactory.
6.Lead a well balanced life.Never neglect good nutrition,exercise and sufficient sleep.One of the main causes of depression which leads to loneliness,is the lack of those things.
7.Spending time alone will help you examine yourself more closely.
8.Reflect back on good memories and count your blessings.
9.Learn a new skill success in achieving something wil make you feel good about yourself.
10.If you are having long term depression,it is not wrong to seek medical advice,It is perfectly normal to get a prescription because lack of certain chemicals in the body is also the source of depression and can be treated easily.If we feel hungry and seek food having the right medicine in proper dosage in the right way to tackle depression and feel less lonely.
11.Spend time in prayer.

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