Wednesday 1 April 2015

Driving Your Passion

The Highway of passion.

"When work,commitment and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives,nothing is impossible."

Passion the one quality that textbook and instruction manuals and company procedures will never talk about.Everyone is in such a hurry to make you fit perfectly into the machine like a well oiled gear.They forget you are a living,feeling human being even you have forgotten.You don't have to wait for dire straits to rock you out of your present mediocre life.You can decide right now that you want to live and work passionately and make your life worthwhile.The highway of passion is an amazing ride and prosperity is just one of the land marks on this route!Get ready for the ride of your life!

Finding your true passion

what's your real calling in life?
"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion."
So you have decided to break away from the pathetic monotony of your regular job.You want to live fully and passionately and reap all those rich rewards at the end of rainbow how do you find out what you are trully passionate about? How do you separate the delusions from the do able? You could be passionate about ruling the world Indeed,there are people who have dreamt of that and done it."Alexander The Great" ruled almost the entire known world in his time.But what is your true passion?Here are few steps you can take to discover the currents that move you deep inside:-

Read your body language.

How does your body behave at your present job?Does it tense up and ache all the time? Do you get panic attacks very often? Are you so bored that you doze at your desk? Do you keep looking at the clock as break time approaches? Then you're in the wrong job.You simply don't have the passion for it.

What did you love doing as a child?

Your childhood hobbies and obsessions can indicate a genuine passion.Education and family pressures often move us away from our true calling.Did you love bikes or gardening or trekking?Then may be a career in the automobile or landscaping or travel industries is where you should be:So sit back and recall your childhood and write down your memories what made you smile then may still make you grin today and in the future.

What do you love doing as an adult?

Very well have passinate side pursuits even today start spending a few hours every day on your pet hobby.It may just hold the real key to you!

Passion at home

You needn't go much far to realize your passion.
Getting passionate about your career and blazing a glorious path at the office is great.But don't let your loved ones suffer from a lack of passion at home.A proper balance has to be struck by giving love to your spouse.A man is truly respected if he excels in all his roles as a worker,a son,a husband,a father,a grandfather and a community member.Devote time and passion to all these roles.When you have genuinely mastered the art of passion,you will find that it prevades every minute of your day,be it in the boardroom or bedroom or playroom.Passion can become a double edged sword if not wielded properly.Spending hours and hours of obsessed extra time at the workplace can affect your health as well as your family relations.
Passion is not about throwing huge family parties where everyone can feed on your wealth.It is spending time and effort to share your life and soul with your loved ones.Passion lies in transmitting your passion for life to your family and all around you.
"Your passion could be a great tool that could take you places."

Don't stifle it don't let it die.

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