Friday 24 April 2015

Develop Your Mind-1

1.Do the thing you fear the most.

If there one thing that will change your thoughts quicker than anything else, it's facing your fears.

2.Stand up for yourself.

A lot of people have difficult in standing up for themselves.The first time you do it can be very empowering and your thoughts about yourself will change forever.

3.Stop talking.

It's great to be silent for just a little while. Our thoughts turn inward and we begin to appreciate ourselves just a little more.

4.Strengthen your strengths.

Sometimes we focus too much on trying to strengthen our weaknesses when we should be concentrating strengthening our strengths.

5.Stregthen your thoughts about yourself.

Reinforce your thoughts about your good points. If you are good at talking to people, tell yourself this often if you are good at maths, tell yourself often. This has the benefit of reinforcing and strengthening your self image.

6.Take a Risk.

Life would be boring without ever having taken a risk in your life. Do something that you did'nt want to do because you thought you would'nt be any good at it. This totally smashes the boundries of your comfort zone and your life could change forever.

7.Talk to a stranger.

Again this is braking our comfort zone, but just saying Hi to stranger in the street our good morning can have an enormous impact on your day and the person you say Hi to.

8.Write an article about yourself.

Imagine a newspaper has asked you to write an article of 1000 words or less about yourself and your life and they want to know what motivates you in life, now write the article. This helps put your life into perspective and gets you thinking about your childhood and growing up.

9.Stop contact with your down people.

If you have people in your life who constantly drag you down, or are negative all the time, drop them. Honestly drop them from your life you are not serving them and they are not serving you and they are dragging your thoughts down.

10.Believe in yourself.

A lot of people believe there life has been pre-destined and there's nothing we can do to change it. Absolute rubbish. You are the only person who controls the universe, yes I did mean universe, your universe is different from mine, so you control your own universe, think about that start acting upon it.

11.Practice gratitude.

We all know what we don't have in our lives because we spend a lot of time wishing we had them, but are we realy thankful for what we have? Spend time every single day being thankful for the good things we do have in our lives.

12. Do something nice and don't tell anyone about it.

We tell others about our acts of kindness to let them know how nice we are and to seek aprovel. If you keep your act of kindness to yourself without ever telling anyone the feeling of positive energy lasts much longer.

13.Write your future life story.

Start from the age you are just now and start writing your future life story, as you like it to be. Be as out rageous as you want and just write about your idle life and how you interact with it. Words on paper are powerful and can help shape your goals.

14.Write a comment.

If you visit a blog you like, leave a comment and join in the community of people or, if there is not much of a community be part of starting it.

15.List all your worries.

Make a list of every single worry you have at the moment you will notice that you don't have as many worries as you thought. Worrying consumes our thinking and we think our whole life is one big worry, when you get it down on paper it's extremely surprising that you don't have as many as you'd thought.

16. Work on each worry in turn.

Now that you have all your worries listed. Go through them and start acting on them in turn. If you find worries you cannot act upon it means there is nothing you can do to change the outcome of that worry, so forget it why waste mind energy on something you can control at all.

17.Read about successful people.

If you want to change your thoughts and change your life read about people who have already done it and use them as guides.

18.Write to an author.

Authers are people just like you and I and they love getting feedback about there work. If a book touched you in some way or changed you, take time to write to the author and thank them. Don't look for a reply, just thank them.

19.Your thoughts really do have power.

When you realize this, it will change your thinking in so many ways, I cannot tell you that it's true you have to experience it for yourself.

20.Always admit it when you have made a mistake.

Don't blame others or hide behind someone else. Hold your hands up and admit you made a mistake, no matter what the consequences are you will be much more respected this way. However, don't take the blame for others.

Friday 10 April 2015

Turn Bad Days Into Gratitude Days

When things don't go our way and when everything around us seems to fall apart, the last thing that we can think it to be thankful. When we are facing difficulties, all we do is complain and ask why bad things are happening to us turning bad days into gratitude days is realy a great challenge for many people, but it is always possible.
Practice counting your blessings not all your troubles. People spend most of their time complaining about their troubles. Complaining about the difficulties they suffer from that they no longer care about the pleasing that they have receive. When based in difficulties, people really tend to forget what they have and the good things in their life.
People are invited to start counting their blessings, even name them one by one and they will just be surprise about those amazing things that had done into their lives when faced intrials and adverties, count your blessings and you will also see that your heart will grow warmly with much feeling of gratitude as well as sweet feeling of happiness and peace.

* Look at the brighter side of every situation.

If you experience problems and difficulties at work, be more greatful that you have your own work. If you are facing challenge in life, be more greatful of these challenges because due to them your life is not boring.
If you are facing trials in your life today, be thankful that these can give you much strenght to overcome more trials in the future.
Appreciate your challenges in life that can help you learn and be a stranger person.
To say that we are greatful doesn't mean that everything in your life is perfect, it only means that you are aware of all your blessings inspite of the challenge that you are experiencing.
If you remind energy, upset and frustrated because you are having a really bad day, that won't change anything, infect, that would make things worse. Bring greatful during these times can brighten up your day as well as others. Getting what you want is not the only reason for you to greatful, sometimes, your appreciation in life becomes even more valuable when you learn to be appreciative in times of troubles and difficulties.
If you are in a difficult situation, instead of hating the world for giving you such problem, think of the benefit that you can benefit from it. Think about the things that you can gain From this situation and through this, you will become more inspired to overcome the difficult situation you are into.
Always look for something to be greatful for in every bad day you face. Also, it is better to understand the reason you are in such situation and think of the best things that you can obtain from it. If you learn to become more greatful and happy with every situation you are in, you can become happier in your life.
Always be graetful that you do not already have all the things that you want because if you did, there will be nothing more to look forward to. Be more greatful for every difficult situation you are into because in those times, you are able to grow.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

10 Ways to stay healthy

If you want more out of life, you need to be ready to commit more and invest more into staying fit and eating right.It has called by many names, defined in so many ways and presented in so many forms but all health and fitness programs boils down to these two DIET and EXERCISE. There is no other way to go about it. If you want lasting results make health and fitness as integral part of your lifestyle, as it should be read on find out you can live,breath, eat, move and think healthy.

* Stay Hydrated.

This one of the most important advices you can ever get, when it comes to staying healthy and fit, drinking water every chance you get, or at least every couple of hours, water help insure your body systems will keep running smoothly and it also place a vital role in weight loss. So don't forget to drink up water.

* Never Skip Breakfast.

You have probably heard it over and over how breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it really is a let of people seems to think skipping breakfast will help them loss weight faster, people who skip this meal actually have increased risks of gaining weight.

*Get enough sleep.

with the fast-paced lifestyle and grueling schedules, sleep is often taken for granted. An average person needs to have seven to eight hours of sleep every night, if you want to maintain a healthy weight, sleep should be given equal importance as it is the only time the body can heal and repair itself, lack of sleep also impairs brain function so make sure you get enough sleep.

*Enjoy mind and body exercise.

Consider taking Yoga, these exercises do not only stretch your muscles as well as strengthen the bones and joint, it can also help you relax mentally.Mind and body exercises are great way to wind down after along and grueling day of work. It can help ease anxiety and pain as well as speed up recovery time.

*Stay Motivated.

It can be difficult to stay on track to a health and fitness program.If you are no longer motivated to make smarter choices and right decision every single day.

*Push yourself.

You have probably heard advice telling you not to be hard on your self.there is a huge difference between casting yourself and adhering to self discipline. Push your self in a positive way but don't allow self imposed pressure overwhelm you instead of motivate you.

*Incorporate physical activities in your daily life.

Maruimg every chance you get to move your body and work out. You dont really need to go the gym to burn ,calories there are so many ways you can pump up your metabolism by making simple changes ,such as taking the stairs n of the lift,perform pushups during commercial breaks. Do everything you can to stay active all throughout the day.

* Maintain at least one hobby.

Find an activity that you are passionate about that you probably won't mind doing for hours, may it be photography or spending hours in a book store. Pursue things that bring the greatest joy.

*Avoid negative people and situations.

Too much emotional stress can wreak naucin your well being. This does not mean you should avoid confrontations altogether, but learn to draw the lines. There is no use being around people who belittle you and undermine your dreams and goals.

* Don't confuse thirst with hunger.

The human body has difficulty differentiating thirst from hunger. So when you are starting to feel hunger, avoid indulging in food right away and instead drink a glass of water and check if you are still hungry.


Monday 6 April 2015

Self discipline, willpower and motivation-3


Motivation plays a huge part in the exercising of self discipline and willpower.We have to have some kind of motivation to do everything we do in life.You wouldn't be reading this article just now if you didn't think you weren't going to get something from reading it. We all need motivation in our lives however, depending on the size of the reward, we may not always feel motivated.
The way to gaining more motivation is to make the rewards bigger. So, make the rewards bigger and you can have all the motivation you need.
Motivation is a huge subject but I will not discuss it at length here.I just wanted to point out that motivation plays a big role when we come to exercise out self discipline and our willpower.

Pulling it all together

Okay, you've learned all about self discipline, willpower and motivation what can you do to put it all together and use it in your day to day lives? First of all you need to recognize where it will be useful to exercise your self discipline and willpower. I am sure you can think of areas in your life already where you will be able to use them.
Write them down, a quick list.You might have already done this.
Once you've got a list, small or big.It doesn't matter.Pick two from your list and start to practice self discipline and willpower.
A word of warning here. I would advise you not to go all out and try your self discipline on everything. I would start with a couple of things at first. Your willpower and self discipline is like a muscle which needs to be built up gradually.

Some motivational tips

* Be willing to leave your comfort zone.The greatest barrier to achieving your potential is your comfort zone.
* Don't indulge in self limiting thinking.Think empowering, expansive thoughts.
* Choose to be happy, happy people are easily motivated. Happiness is your birthright so don't settle for anything else.
* Spend at least one hour a day in self-development.
* Live fully in the present moment when you live in the past or the future you aren't able to make things happen in the present.
* The real tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer, but rather in how much we miss, so don't miss a thing.
* Commit yourself to joy. "joy is the serious business of heaven.
* Never let in negative thoughts get rid of them under any circumstances. Don't forget that thoughts are material and of you keep thinking of evil, if you visualize it brightly and vividly, it can happen to you.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Self discipline, willpower and motivation-2


Will is the initial force needed for you to take action.Willpower and self discipline go hand in hand, you need the willpower to start whatever it is you want to do and you need the self discipline to carry on where the willpower left off and this will go round in circles.For a specific task you might only need to engage your willpower once and self discipline will carry you through to your goal.On the other hand you might have to engage your willpower a hundred times before your goal has been reached.For example every morning i have cold shower it takes willpower to turn that dial all the way down to 0 for a freezing cold temperature,i used to do it gradually but now i just yank it right down to 0 when i have finished washing.My willpower is acquiscing a bit now and it is getting easier to do it but it still takes willpower and then the self discipline to stay under.Why do I do it? Because i can, i am proving to my self. I control my mind and i believe there are benefits to be had from taking a cold shower.
There are certain steps needed to kick your willpower into action.
*An outcome (What is it you want to do?)
*A plan (How are you going to do it ?)
*Action (Get off your arise and do it.)
*Let self discipline take over and repeat steps 1-3 if necessary.
Start exercising your will power regularly to keep it active and healthy.Here are a few exercises to keep your willpower active and fit.
* Read for half an hour every day.
* Get up half an hour earlier than usual for 21 days.
* Take a cold shower every morning for 21 days.
* Work on getting Rid of bad habits.
* Go in for sports, sport disciplines and develops your willpower perfectly.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Self discipline,willpower and motivation-1

Self Discipline

Every morning I have a freezing cold shower,why because part of my mind says don't do it, it's just stupid and that same part of my mind gives lots of different reason not to do it.Each morning i fight that inner voice and discipline it to accept that i am taking of freezing cold shower.
Self discipline is a skill and ones you get to grips with it.It can alter your life.
What is it?
Self discipline is the training of your mind to control perceived harmful,urges and to continue to control these urges until a satisfactory resolution has been sought.
Self discipline occurs in every part of your life right how you might not have recognized it but it does when you get out of bed in the morning to go to work that is self discipline.When you brush your teeth every morning,that is self discipline although you might not have recognized it as such we use this skill every day in our lives.
Imagine if you harnessed this power to change different aspects of your life there are many areas of your life.It could benefit:in fact it could benefit every area of your life.If you want to give up smoking,no matter what programs are available to do so,It ultimately comes down to self discipline if you want to lose weight,yes it's great that there are groups of people who are doing the same as they can be a good motivator but again it comes down to self discipline.

The practice of self discipline.

Whilst it's hard to control your thoughts and actions as a child.It should be easier for an adult,you would think however this is not necessarily the case if you've not been taught self discipline as a child.How are you expected to self discipline yourself as an adult?
The truth is self discipline comes automatically for some of us as our responsibilities becomes greater.For example when we get a job,we have to get up at a set time,we have to work a set number of hours,we have to conform to the companies rules and procedures,that's all self discipline.Usually the things we learn to practice self discipline in are the things we are rewarded with e.g. Our job, going to the gym, saving money,making love.Depending on the person some of these rewards will be bigger and have more meaning than some of the others.
What good would self discipline in your life?
What if you could practice self discipline in everything you do?How would your life change?Think of these questions for a moment.
Some of the areas in your life could change might be;
1. Your weight.
2. Your fitness.
3.The cleanliness of your house.
4.The amount of time spent watching TV.
5.Watching what you eat.
6.Fasting for one day per week.
7.Get your finances sorted out.
8.Organise your life.
9.Getting up early to be thankful of all things you have.
The list could go on and on and I am sure you could add a few as well,let me know what you would add.
Mail me at

Friday 3 April 2015

Dealing With Loneliness

If you are feeling lonely as you are reading this you are not alone!It doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, husband or wife no matter how close you are with them there are parts of you that they just don't understand!The pain doesn't fade after confiding with your best friend,your group of buddies, no body seems to understand you yet you want them to feel your pain.

All Alone

Everyone in the world has felt this emotion one time or another specially in these times rapid technological growth the feeling of loneliness is rapidly increasing.Firstly we must clarify what loneliness means.
Loneliness is an emotional state this is a state where people experience a disconnection from people around them as well as a deep feeling of emptiness which renders there present company around them meaningless that person could be in a big crowder by him or herself,married or single, young or old.They basically find it very hard to connect with others and experiences emanicipation from meaningful relationships.
This is not to be confused with being alone.Being along doesn't equate to being lonely because sometimes it is good for a person to be alone and at that time it could be very refreshing as the person has the opportunity to refresh recuperate and rediscover part of our lives.
What are the common symptoms of being alone.If you are reading this post I bet you might be feeling one of these symptoms.
1.You think your problems are so unique that others people do not understand
2.As a result,you feel that other people in the world has friends and you don't.
3.You feel extremely self concious in everything you do.
4.You feel that when you do something wrong you get extremely embarrassed.
5.When you are in a crowd you feel drowned by their voices.
6.You feel disconnected with the crowd even though you are with them.
7.Feeling shy and scared of others.
8.Experiencing low self-esteem.
9.Feeling angry,defensive and critical at everything even if it is not directed at you.
10.Afraid of strangers and refuse to talk to engage in a healthy conversation.
11.Being convinced there is something wrong with you.
12.Feeling anxious and sad believing no one know how miserable/isolated you feel.
13.Refusing to accept change and don't went to try anything new.
14.Feeling as though nothing else matters are contemplating suicide.
Practical steps to overcome loneliness there are a number of ways to begin dealing with loneliness that involve the need to develop friendship,doing things for your self or learning to feel better about yourself in general.
1,Constantly remind yourself that the feeling of loneliness is temporary and you will get over it in time.
1.Make an effort to talk to someone new.I know it is hard,but you must develop momentum and the first step is usually the hardest but most necessary.
2.Put yourself in new situations where you will meet people engage in activities in which you have genuine interest.Meet with people of similar interest.
3.Stop listening to lonely songs.
4.Open yourself to others first don't expect people to share their problems with a closed person.
5.Don't just seek romantic relationships.Platnic or even casual buddies can be extremely satisfactory.
6.Lead a well balanced life.Never neglect good nutrition,exercise and sufficient sleep.One of the main causes of depression which leads to loneliness,is the lack of those things.
7.Spending time alone will help you examine yourself more closely.
8.Reflect back on good memories and count your blessings.
9.Learn a new skill success in achieving something wil make you feel good about yourself.
10.If you are having long term depression,it is not wrong to seek medical advice,It is perfectly normal to get a prescription because lack of certain chemicals in the body is also the source of depression and can be treated easily.If we feel hungry and seek food having the right medicine in proper dosage in the right way to tackle depression and feel less lonely.
11.Spend time in prayer.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Effects Of Thoughts On Health And Body

The body is the servant of the mind.It obeys the operations of the mind,whether they deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.Disease and health,like circumstances,are rooted in thought.Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body.Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a built and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly.The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it.Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body and lays it open to the entrance of disease while impure thoughts,even if not physically indulged,will sooner shatter the nervous system.Strong, pure,and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace.The body is a delicate and plastic intrument,which responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed and habits of thought will produce their own effects,good or bad,upon it.Men will continue to have impure and poisoned blood,so long as they propagate unclean thoughts.Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and a clean body.Out of a difiled mind proceeds a defiled life and a corrupt body.Thought is the fount of action,life and manifestation,make the fountain pure,and all will be pure.Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts when a man makes his thoughts pure,he no longer desires impure food.Clean thoughts make clean habits.If you would perfect your body,gaurd your mind.If you would renew your body,beautify your mind.Thoughts of malice,envy and disappointment,despondencly,rob the body of its health and grace.A sour face does not come by chance it is made by sour thoughts.Wrinkles that mar are drawn by fully,passion and pride.As you cannot have a sweet and wholesome abode unless you admit the air and sunshine freely into your rooms,so strong body and a bright,happy or serene countenance can only result from the free admittance into the mind of thoughts of joy and goodwill and serenity.On the faces of the aged there are wrinkles made by sympathy others by strong and pure thought,and others are carved by passion ;who cannot distinguish them?With those who have lived righteously,age is calm,peaceful and softly mellowed,like the setting Sun.
There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body; there is no comforter to compare with good will for dispersing the shadows of grief and sorrow to live continually in thoughts of ill will! Cynicism,suspicion and envy is to be confined in a selfmade prison hole.But to think well of all,to be cheerful with all,to patiently learn to find the good in all such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven,and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.
A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart,and set out to accomplish it.He should make this puspose the centralizing paint of his thoughts.It may take the form of a spiritual ideal,or it may be a worldly object,according to his nature at the time being whichever it is he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object he had set before him.He should make this purpose his supreme duty and should devote himself to its attainment,not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies,longings and imaginings.This is the royal road to self control and true concentration of thought.Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose -as he must untill weakness is over come-the strength of character gained will be measure of his true success and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph.
The weakest soul knowing its own weakness and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice will thus believing at once begin to exert itself and adding effort to effort, patience to patience and strength to strength,will never cease to devolp and will at last grow devinely strong

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Driving Your Passion

The Highway of passion.

"When work,commitment and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives,nothing is impossible."

Passion the one quality that textbook and instruction manuals and company procedures will never talk about.Everyone is in such a hurry to make you fit perfectly into the machine like a well oiled gear.They forget you are a living,feeling human being even you have forgotten.You don't have to wait for dire straits to rock you out of your present mediocre life.You can decide right now that you want to live and work passionately and make your life worthwhile.The highway of passion is an amazing ride and prosperity is just one of the land marks on this route!Get ready for the ride of your life!

Finding your true passion

what's your real calling in life?
"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion."
So you have decided to break away from the pathetic monotony of your regular job.You want to live fully and passionately and reap all those rich rewards at the end of rainbow how do you find out what you are trully passionate about? How do you separate the delusions from the do able? You could be passionate about ruling the world Indeed,there are people who have dreamt of that and done it."Alexander The Great" ruled almost the entire known world in his time.But what is your true passion?Here are few steps you can take to discover the currents that move you deep inside:-

Read your body language.

How does your body behave at your present job?Does it tense up and ache all the time? Do you get panic attacks very often? Are you so bored that you doze at your desk? Do you keep looking at the clock as break time approaches? Then you're in the wrong job.You simply don't have the passion for it.

What did you love doing as a child?

Your childhood hobbies and obsessions can indicate a genuine passion.Education and family pressures often move us away from our true calling.Did you love bikes or gardening or trekking?Then may be a career in the automobile or landscaping or travel industries is where you should be:So sit back and recall your childhood and write down your memories what made you smile then may still make you grin today and in the future.

What do you love doing as an adult?

Very well have passinate side pursuits even today start spending a few hours every day on your pet hobby.It may just hold the real key to you!

Passion at home

You needn't go much far to realize your passion.
Getting passionate about your career and blazing a glorious path at the office is great.But don't let your loved ones suffer from a lack of passion at home.A proper balance has to be struck by giving love to your spouse.A man is truly respected if he excels in all his roles as a worker,a son,a husband,a father,a grandfather and a community member.Devote time and passion to all these roles.When you have genuinely mastered the art of passion,you will find that it prevades every minute of your day,be it in the boardroom or bedroom or playroom.Passion can become a double edged sword if not wielded properly.Spending hours and hours of obsessed extra time at the workplace can affect your health as well as your family relations.
Passion is not about throwing huge family parties where everyone can feed on your wealth.It is spending time and effort to share your life and soul with your loved ones.Passion lies in transmitting your passion for life to your family and all around you.
"Your passion could be a great tool that could take you places."

Don't stifle it don't let it die.