Friday 24 April 2015

Develop Your Mind-1

1.Do the thing you fear the most.

If there one thing that will change your thoughts quicker than anything else, it's facing your fears.

2.Stand up for yourself.

A lot of people have difficult in standing up for themselves.The first time you do it can be very empowering and your thoughts about yourself will change forever.

3.Stop talking.

It's great to be silent for just a little while. Our thoughts turn inward and we begin to appreciate ourselves just a little more.

4.Strengthen your strengths.

Sometimes we focus too much on trying to strengthen our weaknesses when we should be concentrating strengthening our strengths.

5.Stregthen your thoughts about yourself.

Reinforce your thoughts about your good points. If you are good at talking to people, tell yourself this often if you are good at maths, tell yourself often. This has the benefit of reinforcing and strengthening your self image.

6.Take a Risk.

Life would be boring without ever having taken a risk in your life. Do something that you did'nt want to do because you thought you would'nt be any good at it. This totally smashes the boundries of your comfort zone and your life could change forever.

7.Talk to a stranger.

Again this is braking our comfort zone, but just saying Hi to stranger in the street our good morning can have an enormous impact on your day and the person you say Hi to.

8.Write an article about yourself.

Imagine a newspaper has asked you to write an article of 1000 words or less about yourself and your life and they want to know what motivates you in life, now write the article. This helps put your life into perspective and gets you thinking about your childhood and growing up.

9.Stop contact with your down people.

If you have people in your life who constantly drag you down, or are negative all the time, drop them. Honestly drop them from your life you are not serving them and they are not serving you and they are dragging your thoughts down.

10.Believe in yourself.

A lot of people believe there life has been pre-destined and there's nothing we can do to change it. Absolute rubbish. You are the only person who controls the universe, yes I did mean universe, your universe is different from mine, so you control your own universe, think about that start acting upon it.

11.Practice gratitude.

We all know what we don't have in our lives because we spend a lot of time wishing we had them, but are we realy thankful for what we have? Spend time every single day being thankful for the good things we do have in our lives.

12. Do something nice and don't tell anyone about it.

We tell others about our acts of kindness to let them know how nice we are and to seek aprovel. If you keep your act of kindness to yourself without ever telling anyone the feeling of positive energy lasts much longer.

13.Write your future life story.

Start from the age you are just now and start writing your future life story, as you like it to be. Be as out rageous as you want and just write about your idle life and how you interact with it. Words on paper are powerful and can help shape your goals.

14.Write a comment.

If you visit a blog you like, leave a comment and join in the community of people or, if there is not much of a community be part of starting it.

15.List all your worries.

Make a list of every single worry you have at the moment you will notice that you don't have as many worries as you thought. Worrying consumes our thinking and we think our whole life is one big worry, when you get it down on paper it's extremely surprising that you don't have as many as you'd thought.

16. Work on each worry in turn.

Now that you have all your worries listed. Go through them and start acting on them in turn. If you find worries you cannot act upon it means there is nothing you can do to change the outcome of that worry, so forget it why waste mind energy on something you can control at all.

17.Read about successful people.

If you want to change your thoughts and change your life read about people who have already done it and use them as guides.

18.Write to an author.

Authers are people just like you and I and they love getting feedback about there work. If a book touched you in some way or changed you, take time to write to the author and thank them. Don't look for a reply, just thank them.

19.Your thoughts really do have power.

When you realize this, it will change your thinking in so many ways, I cannot tell you that it's true you have to experience it for yourself.

20.Always admit it when you have made a mistake.

Don't blame others or hide behind someone else. Hold your hands up and admit you made a mistake, no matter what the consequences are you will be much more respected this way. However, don't take the blame for others.