Tuesday 31 March 2015

11 Ideas For Feeling Good

We are the creators of our own attitudes.You can suffer from a life experience or you can learn,move on and thrive.The choice of how you react to an experience is yours.I am writing this content to help you in building a positive attitude in all areas of your life.Having a positive attitude is simply a more enjoyable way to exist.It just plain feels good.A nifty side effect of having a positive attitude is that your most important work is completed with greater ease,less effort and more fun.I hope that this post can be a catalyst for improving your sense of well being and bringing you more joyful experiences as you accomplish great things in your life.

1.Imagine how things could be much worse.

I know this sounds strange but when you imagine how things could be much worse.You can appreciate what is here,now.You're alive! Your eyes work well enough to read.Your body is still working and your mind is still thinking 60000 thoughts a day."Lucky" people see how their situation could have been worse then move forward."Unlucky" people dwell on the negative side of the event,carrying it with them.

2.Take a 30 second commercial break.

It's easy to get thoroughly embroiled in todays crisis.You can change your attitude instantly by taking a 30 second break.Imagine yourself floating on a peacful river,standing at the top of a high mountain or sitting blissfully in a beautiful meadow.Go,for 30 seconds,to a place that brings a smile to your face.Then leave and come back to your refreshed.Try this a few times and see how quickly your energy can shift.This your own private virtual reality machine.

3.Choose your thoughts.

We have on average,about 60000 thoughts in a day.If a thought brings pain,worry,anger or suffering choose to focus on another thought that brings you joy,happiness and gratitude.

4.Celebrate your mistakes.

It's totally human to make mistakes.Thomas Edison said "Results! Why man,I have gotten a lot of results I know several thousand things that won't work."He succeeded because he was willing to embrace his failures and celebrate them because they brought him that much closer to success.

5.Ask what's working not what's wrong.

When you ask what's working about a situation,you open yourself to many new ideas and solutions.Asking what's wrong or to solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.Einstein said it isn't possible to solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.Instead of focusing your meetings on the issues shift the focus to discussion of what's working and how you can make it even better.The issues will naturally arise from this discussion and will be adressed with a positive attitude.

6.Smell a flower.

No really!Smell a flower or even a 77bunch of flowers.Our brain are often working overtime to solve the problems,deal with the crisis or get our To-Do list completed.The rest of our senses are ignored.Stopping to smell the roses or nearest available flowers helps you remember about feeling good.When you feel good.It's easier to cultivate positive thoughts,and you get more done!

7.Take a walk.

A corollary to sniffing the flower:why not walk while you're doing it.Part of the reason negative attitudes are so difficult to shift is that we are not moving.An attitude is simply energy,and when your physical energy is static,your emotional and mental energy will also remain static.To move an attitude,you sometimes need to move your body.Get physical,allow the energy to move and then shift your attitude.Please do this in meetings!

8.Read an inspiring book.

Instead of reading a novel before you go to bed,try reading a few pages of something inspirational.Bring these inspirational stories and ideas into work what you read and hear directly influences your thinking and your thinking determines what you create.

9.Listen to music that get's your bones moving.

If you find your attitude sliding downhill listen to a little music that makes you feel.If you feel good after listening to the music,then it's a keeper have a small stack of these ready and waiting.

10.Every problem or challenge has multiple possiblities.

Remember this next time when you feel stuck.Just knowing there are multiple possiblities will open to you new ideas and allow you to see several ways to accomplish what you need.There is always more than one option,so look at several and choose the one that feels best.

11.Choose to be around positive people.

This is your first choice if you have negative people in your life,then remind yourself that you don't have to agree or think like them.Effective empathy is when you're in tune with that person's well being not with their disease help them to experience well being by choosing to be positive yourself.
At the end of each day stop to say a prayer of gratitude for all that you have right now.Look to where you are experiencing wealth and abundance.Then please,get it done and have fun.